Also Seen In... (and customer comments)



 Sew *ABLE* Dolls just hit the BIG SCREENS!!

Our Dolls and Physical Therapy Equipment just made it to the Big Screen!


The new movie is "PEEPLES" by Tyler Perry and opened recently.  "PEEPLES"  (rated PG-13)  is about a funny family who has a different style of living.  That's all I'll say or I'll ruin it. 


The dolls are prominently displayed in at least 3 scenes - front and center!!!  These are 1st edition dolls from Sew Dolling, LLC.  Some of you already have a special Sew ABLE Doll.


The following are a just a few of the Newspapers, TV shows, Magazines, Books,

Radio programs, and Press releases that have put the spotlight on these dolls!




What People are Saying





What an inspired and inspiring idea!!  I have forwarded our e-mail to a couple of the ladies with "ESP" (Extra Special People Organization) the group to which you donated some items a couple of years ago.

This is a beautiful idea - and I think you are right, it certainly looks like the hands of divine Love have been guiding many people to embrace some very special children.

And the excitement and fun you have all had in bringing this idea to fruition can't help but bring excitement and fun to many special little ones.

Keep up the Good Work,




These new dolls are WONDERFUL!  I am so glad to see something like this -- it's been a long time in coming --I think not only are they beautiful but are a wonderful teaching tool to show youngsters that even though someone might not be "perfect" in the eyes of some people, they are still beautiful, especially "inside" an should not be treated any differently, just because they may not "look" like other people. 

Congrats on the new line -- I'm sure they will be very successful!





I am in complete awe!  Those dolls are just amazing and I have such enormous respect for you -- for developing this amazing concept and for following through what had to be incredible red tape and MONEY and time and just everything!  Hopefully, these precious dolls will be just what kids need!  I hold you in the highest respect and wish you total success!  In my humble opinion, you have already achieved a major accomplishment just getting to this point!  I have to go back and look again as there is so much to see on your website!  WAY TO GO!!!!!!! 




Hello Susan,

Taylor arrived yesterday.  She is lovely and heartbreaking.  Thank you for Taylor and hopefully for helping so many little girls feel better. 

All my good thoughts are with you.




I just wanted to say that I'm in a wheelchair and have been my Whole life I have cerebral palsy.  I'm 27 now and I wish they had made these when I was little.  All I can say is it's about Time.  I'm glad you listed them otherwise I would have never seen them.  Take care

God Bless, Derika



What a wonderful idea!  Dolls that are "handicapable."  I am a disabled veteran and love that word.  And as a pet lover, I really enjoyed the kitten pictures! 

God bless you and your business, Amelia from Arkansas.



My daughter-in-law is a physical therapist.  I think these would be a great thing for her to have because she works on children so much.  Is there any way I could get the physical therapy equipment too.  God Bless, Bonnie



Hi, I just wanted to take a moment to say that your dolls are wonderful! What a great dolly for a special child! thanks so much and may God richly bless you!

Thanks, Mya




I just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with your service and how happy I am with your products.  A mere 30 hours after I placed my order, it was sitting on my doorstep!  And the doll bedding, beds, and nightstand are just what I was looking for -- they are beautiful, like the real thing on a miniature scale!  And, they appear to be very nice quality, a great value for the price.  (I'd say, much better than those made by American Girl!) Plus, the packaging is adorable-- wonderful boxes!  My daughter is going to be thrilled!  Thank you very much for helping maker her birthday special.

Carolyn C.



Received the outfit today.  LOVE IT  !!!!!!  Can't wait until my grandaughter opens it on Christmas.  She will love it too.  Thank you so much!





Our play therapy dolls are used for Disability Awareness around the world!

.....And MANY MORE Countries aside from the U.S.A !!!


